Park Ridge Center, Park Ridge, IL: The April 1995 issue of "Second Opinion" (ISSN 0890-1570) includes: Initial Comment: On Human Well-Being (Martin E. Marty) p. 9 A Heart of Wisdom (Martha Gies) p. ..
Park Ridge Center, Park Ridge, IL: The April 1995 issue of "Second Opinion" (ISSN 0890-1570) includes: Initial Comment: On Human Well-Being (Martin E. Marty) p. 9 A Heart of Wisdom (Martha Gies) p. 11 The Case: A Narrative Deconstruction of "Diagnostic Delay" (Susan M. DiGiacomo) p. 21 Commentary and Overview: Horses and Faith (Arthur W. Frank) p. 37 Linda Krauss and the Lap of God: A Spiritual Assessment Case Study (George Fitchett) p. 41 Population and Development: Conflict and Consensus at Cairo (Amy L. Girst and Larry L. Greenfield) p. 51 Reform, Revivalism, and the Place of Women in Islan: An Interview with Riffat Hassan (p. 62) Moral Relativisim and Moral Health (Michael C. Kearl and Daniel Rigney) p. 73 Reflections: Waves (Dennis Kaye) p. 84