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Works from 2023

A rare case of ventricular tachycardia originating from the posterior right ventricular papillary muscle, Ankit Sahni, Mohan Chandra Vinay Bharadwaj Gudiwada, Tayyab Cheema, et al. (Abstract)

Works from 2022


Electrocardiographic evolution of heart block in lyme carditis, Lubka B. Ilieva, Essam Saad, Marc Iskandar, et al. (Article)


Being smart: Physician's take on wearables and anticoagulation, Riya Sam, Marc Iskandar, and Peter A Brady (Abstract)


Chromogranin A triggered ventricular tachycardia - the serendipitous oddities, Divya Korpu, Jessica Bhandari, Luis N. Villanueva, et al. (Abstract)


To treat or not to treat spontaneous coronary artery dissection? That is the question, Prateeth Pati, Stephen Sawyer, Marc Iskandar, et al. (Abstract)