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Advocate Condell Medical Center

Presentation Notes

Professional Development podium presentation at Nursing Passion: Re-Igniting the Art & Science, Advocate Aurora Health Nursing & Research Conference 2022; November 9, 2022; virtual.


Background/Introduction: The Covid-19 pandemic continues to create a learning gap among new graduate nurses who may have experienced virtual or abbreviated in-person clinical1, 3. Feelings of unpreparedness increase stress in novice nurses, resulting in turnover4. New graduate nurses benefit from a foundational course to review clinical concepts supplementing the unit orientation2.

Purpose: This project aimed to implement and sustain a new graduate nurse course focused on fundamental communication and assessment techniques critical to successful nursing practice. The short-term goal was >90% attendance by new graduate nurse hires before independent practice. The long-term goal was to meet the Advocate Aurora Health RN 1st-year turnover target of 27.2% for new graduate nurses at Advocate Condell.

Method: Beginning April 2021, all new graduate nurses hired to inpatient medical-surgical units, float pool, and the intensive care unit are enrolled in the new graduate course. Nursing practice domains encompass AIDET, SBAR, patient communication and assessment, code status, medication administration, and nursing resources. Learning experiences are delivered in person through simulation, return demonstration, and Mentimeter/PowerPoint presentations.

Results: From April 2021 to June 2022, 100% (78/78) of new graduate nurses who completed orientation participated in the course. The current 1st-year turnover for attendees is 14.3% (1/7). Data is collected continuously and will be available for presentation in the future.

Discussion: New graduate nurses have varying clinical experience and healthcare backgrounds. An in-person, standardized, foundational approach to core nurse concepts benefits new nurses. To date, there is a 100% attendance rate for new graduate nurses finishing their precepted orientation. The 1st-year turnover rate of 14.3% is better than the AAH target of 27.2%.

Implications for practice: In-person learning and experience are essential to developing nursing competence. The new graduate nurse course enhances foundational nursing skills and supports novice nurses transitioning to professional practice.

Document Type

Oral/Podium Presentation




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