"Eco-Lites newsletter, 1961, V1 N3, December" by Advocate Aurora Health



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LGH, Lutheran General Hospital, newsletter


Park Ridge, IL: This December 1961 newsletter, Eco-Lites, was "published by and for the employees of Lutheran General Hospital. News from departments are shared including marriages, seminars attended, comings, and goings.

Interesting items include:

  • It took 7.5 minutes to process an x-ray in 1961
  • A 24" television donation so "fathers waiting for their babies to be born are able to have some of their time occupied"
  • A poem from the dietary department to remind staff which patients can eat off which menu (white, yellow, pink, green, and blue)


December 1961


Please credit Advocate Aurora Health as the source of this material.

Eco-Lites newsletter, 1961, V1 N3, December



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