"Supporting Clinician Education and Action around Climate Health" by Brenda Fay


Aurora St. Luke's Medical Center, Advocate Health - Midwest Library


Background: After hearing of a climate change series for physicians and other clinicians, library staff leveraged an existing resource to provide reliable and easy access to referenced scholarly journal articles and recommended reading for this six-session series.

Description: A librarian created a climate health LibGuide and added resources listed for a forthcoming Continuing Professional Development (CPD) series advertised to internal clinicians. The library then reached out to the organizers and discussions ensued about how the guide could support the 6-session series. Scholarly references and recommended reading from each session would be added to the guide, with each topic a separate tab. Library staff were given access to Microsoft Teams planning folders to facilitate collecting references before sessions were presented. During sessions, facilitators referenced the LibGuide and library staff added the link to chat. After the recordings were ready, CPD staff forwarded links to the library for inclusion in the guide and publicized to registrants. After 60 days almost 900 visits were made to the LibGuide and videos clicked 110 times. Course facilitators were pleased with both the library support and ability to leverage existing enterprise technologies for rapid ingestion of their created content.

Conclusion: Creating a LibGuides page with CPD resources for a limited educational series has resulted in two additional guides being created and an invitation to join an AIAMC (Association of Independent Academic Medical Centers) site workgroup. This has increased the profile of the library as a CME/CE partner, underscored the importance of ease of access to references and recommended reading for attendees, and allowed the library to reach more users.

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