21. Vaporizer types and safety features


The vaporizer is a key component of any anesthesia machine and any gas-based anesthetic, using oxygen and other carrying gases to deliver vaporized volatile anesthetic gas to the patient via the anesthesia circuit—in a predictable, consistent, easily controlled, and safe way. The vaporizers in use today include the variable-bypass vaporizer, dual-circuit vaporizer, and cassette vaporizer. The variable bypass vaporizers are used for sevoflurane and isoflurane. The high vapor pressure and low boiling point of desflurane make it unusable in a variable bypass vaporizer at normal room temperature. As a result, it is dispensed via its own unique dual-circuit vaporizer, where it is heated in one circuit and then the vaporized gas is added to the carrier gas mixture in the other circuit. Modern-day vaporizers have multiple structural and schematic features that ensure safe delivery of volatile anesthetic to the patient. These safeguard against potential problems, such as overfilling or tipping the vaporizer, filling the vaporizer with the wrong gas, or leaking.

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Book Chapter

Book Chapter/Book Details

In: Abd-Elsayed A, Abd-Elsayed A, eds. Basic Anesthesia Review. Oxford University Press; 2024.

