Works from 2024
Clinical Manifestation of Hypercobalaminemia: A Case report, Gina Budjak DC; Eric Kirk DC, DACO; and Victoria Bowe-Fisher DC (Abstract)
Unexpected phantom limb pain relief with chiropractic care, Josh Nisler (Oral/Podium Presentation)
Clinical Manifestation of Hypercobalaminemia: A Case report, Gina Budjak DC; Eric Kirk DC, DACO; and Victoria Bowe-Fisher DC (Poster)
Chronic pain and opioid addiction - conservative options?, Jessy Johnson (Oral/Podium Presentation)
Clinical manifestation of vitamin B12 toxicity, Gina Budjak, Eric Kirk, Vicki Bowe-Fisher, et al. (Poster)
Healthcare overspend – Valuable insights from a hands-on assessment and chiropractic care for uninterrupted cervicogenic headaches: A case report, Jessy Johnson, Michael McQueen, Eric J. Kirk, et al. (Poster)
Twists and turns – Evolving clinical decision-making for intermittent cervical spine symptoms in the presence of vascular anomalies and other complicating factors: A case report, Jessy Johnson, Eric J. Kirk, and Chris Arick (Poster)
Chiropractic management of trigeminal neuralgia in a female patient, Camila Irizarry Porrata (Oral/Podium Presentation)
Works from 2023
Ankylosing spondylitis case, Gina Budjak (Oral/Podium Presentation)
Jaw pain case, Gina Budjak (Oral/Podium Presentation)
McKenzie method for a hard lateral shift, Jessy Johnson (Oral/Podium Presentation)
Coordination of care between a primary care physician and chiropractic resident for the management of meralgia paresthetica: A case report, Braden Sims, Christopher Arick, and Eric Kirk (Oral/Podium Presentation)
Collaborative healthcare system benefits enhancing patient outcomes and satisfaction: A case report for a patient with neck pain and cervical radiculopathy, Kendal Hoard, Christopher Arick, and Eric Kirk (Poster)
Collaborative healthcare system benefits enhancing patient outcomes and satisfaction: A case report for a patient with neck pain and cervical radiculopathy, Kendal Hoard and Chris Arick (Abstract)