"Impact of concurrent palliative care in the lung cancer patient" by Kavita Sharma


Advocate Aurora Health Care Hospice and Palliative care Fellowship

Presentation Notes

AFMC Global Town Hall is a virtual knowledge exchange program amongst alumni of Armed Forces Medical College that have physicians practicing across the globe. This was an interdisciplinary conference on lung cancer involving medical oncologist, interventional pulmonologist, radiation oncology and palliative care.


In 2010, Jennifer Temel et al. published a seminal paper in NEJM on early referral (within 8 wks. of diag) to subspecialty PC at MGH in patients newly diagnosed with advanced non-small-cell lung cancer. This showed that early outpatient palliative care in addition to usual oncology care for metastatic non-small cell lung cancer improves physical symptoms, depression, sense of well-being, and not only doesn’t shorten life, but it may also prolong life. This has been a game changer for collaboration between oncology and palliative care. My talk highlights the importance of early involvement of palliative care in the lung cancer patient.


Oral/Podium Presentation




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