
Academic Affairs

Presentation Notes

Peer review workshop at Annual Education Conference of the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (AEC-ACGME); Nashville, TN; February 24-25, 2023.


Patient’s belittling comments, inquiries into one’s racial/ethnic origins,credentials and/or abilities are frequent experiences for residents and faculty per published reports across specialties. Even more of us witness these microaggressions: 74%-89% of internal medicine residents witnessed such aggressions within the last year. Cumulatively microaggressions are detrimental to learning, patient care, and well- being; effects compounded for non-white male individuals. To create an optimal clinical learning environment, we all must learn to stand up to microaggressions consistent with the 2022 AAMC DE&I equity competencies! Participants will experience a proven interactive, small group upstander workshop for patient-initiated microaggressions framed using Robert Livingston’s PRESS model. In facilitated small groups, participants will enact several common patient microaggression scenarios with selected participants assuming various roles (eg, patient, attending/preceptor, residents one of whom will be the microaggression recipient). During the enactment one participant will use a simple upstander mnemonic (GRIT) with optional scripts and then re-run and/or debrief before trying another scenario. References, training materials and evaluation results will be provided to conclude the session.


Oral/Podium Presentation




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