Works from 2022
Impact of race and ethnicity among hyperkalemic patients seen in the emergency department in a large midwestern health system, Marybeth Ingle, Rasha Khatib, and Douglas P. Slakey (Abstract)
Compromised cardiopulmonary resuscitation quality due to regurgitation during endotracheal intubation: A randomised crossover manikin simulation study, Li-Wei Lin, James DuCanto, Chen-Yang Hsu, et al. (Article)
A mixed methods analysis of caller-emergency medical dispatcher communication during 9-1-1 calls for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, Christopher T. Richards, Danielle M. McCarthy, Eddie Markul, et al. (Article)
Variations in temporal trends in non-traumatic dental condition related emergencies, Radhakrishnan Nagarajan, Aloksagar Panny, Richard Berg, et al. (Article)
The tight rope act: A multicenter regional experience of tourniquets in acute trauma resuscitation, Leah C. Tatebe, Victoria Schlanser, David Hampton, et al. (Article)
COVID-19 in Older Adults- A Practical Review for Emergency Providers in 2022, Michael L. Malone, Teresita Hogan, Alice Bonner, Kevin Biese, Patti Pagel, and Kathleen Unroe (Review Article)
Prehospital intranasal glucagon for hypoglycemia, Ameera Haamid, Errick Christian, Katie Tataris, et al. (Article)
Pediatric septic shock collaborative improves emergency department sepsis care in children, Holly Depinet, Charles G. Macias, Fran Balamuth, et al. (Article)
Frontal arteriovenous malformation presenting as painful unilateral conjunctiva injection, Andrew Harkins, Christine Bassig-Santos, and Michael Cirone (Article)
Mortality and PICU hospitalization among pediatric gunshot wound victims in Chicago, Maya A. Rhine, Emma M. Hegermiller, Jason M. Kane, et al. (Article)
Randomized comparison of two new methods for chest compressions during CPR in microgravity-A manikin study, Jan Schmitz, Anton Ahlbäck, James DuCanto, et al. (Article)
1017: Vacuum extraction of an obstructing clot in massive pulmonary hemorrhage using a meconium aspirator, Danika Evans and Kenneth Dodd (Abstract)
Works from 2021
Ischemic ST-segment depression maximal in V1-V4 (versus V5-V6) of any amplitude Is specific for occlusion myocardial infarction (versus nonocclusive ischemia), H Pendell Meyers, Alexander Bracey, Daniel Lee, et al. (Article)
The tightrope act: A multicenter regional experience of tourniquets in acute trauma resuscitation, Grace Chang, Nabil Issa, Amy Stewart, et al. (Abstract)
A young man with hematuria and difficulty urinating, Ray Urban, Jon Olsen, and Troy Foster (Article)
Is point-of-care ultrasound a reliable predictor of outcome during traumatic cardiac arrest? A systematic review and meta-analysis from the SHoC investigators, Elizabeth Lalande, Talia Burwash-Brennan, Katharine Burns, et al. (Article)
Blunt and penetrating chest trauma with concomitant COVID-19 infections: two case reports, Rembrandt R VanDruff and J Kayle Lee (Article)
Percutaneous retrieval of venous bullet embolism, Brock Peiffer, Junjian Huang, Rohan Shah, et al. (Article)
Emergency Department Pharmacist led Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) Assay for Vancomycin in Pneumonia, Sabrina Najibi, Yekaterina Antonishina, Stephany Nunez Cruz, Marc McDowell, Jaxson Burkins, Nadine Lomotan, Lauren Stambolic, and Dharati Desai (Poster)
KALMED: Ketamine for Acute Agitation Management in the Emergency Department, Lauren Stambolic, Marc McDowell, Dharati Desai, Jaxson Burkins, Nadine Lomotan, Tasneem Ahmed, and Stephany Nunez Cruz (Abstract)
Pediatric emergency departments and urgent care visits in houston after hurricane Harvey, S Aya Fanny, Brent D Kaziny, Andrea T Cruz, et al. (Article)
Gap analysis of emergency department pharmacy services within a multistate, multihospital integrated health system, Riley C J Poe, Garrett Forth, and Ellen N. Revak (Article)
An unusual case of abdominal pain and shock, Pedro D. Salinas, Ernesto Brauer, Farouk Mookadam, et al. (Case Report)
Using supraglottic airways by paramedics for airway management in analogue microgravity increases speed and success of ventilation, Jochen Hinkelbein, Anton Ahlbäck, Christine Antwerber, et al. (Article)
Comparison of high- and low-dose 4-factor prothrombin complex concentrate for the emergent reversal of oral Factor Xa inhibitors, Mary Hormese, Alex Littler, Brian Doane, et al. (Article)
A case report of cerebral venous thrombosis as a complication of coronavirus disease 2019 in a well-appearing patient, Monica Logan, Kyle Leonard, and Daniel Girzadas (Article)
Early hemodynamic assessment using NICOM in patients at risk of developing Sepsis immediately after emergency department triage, Steve B Chukwulebe, David F Gaieski, Abhishek Bhardwaj, et al. (Article)
Emergency medicine residents with higher levels of debt are less likely to choose academic jobs, but there is a difference by gender, Joshua J Baugh, Steven Lai, Kelly Williamson, et al. (Article)
MAGraine: Magnesium compared to conventional therapy for treatment of migraines, Manar Kandil, Sabrin Jaber, Dharati Desai, et al. (Article)
Works from 2020
Development of a quality improvement learning collaborative to improve pediatric sepsis outcomes, Gitte Y Larsen, Richard Brilli, Charles G Macias, et al. (Article)
Comparison of the ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction (STEMI) vs. NSTEMI and Occlusion MI (OMI) vs. NOMI paradigms of acute MI, H Pendell Meyers, Alexander Bracey, Daniel Lee, et al. (Article)
Use of an intraocular handpiece for the removal of magnets from the oropharynx of a pediatric patient, Prahasit Thirkateh, Sarah M Walner, and David L Walner (Article)
Outpatient management of patients presenting with venous thromboembolism: Retrospective cohort study at 11 community hospitals, Rasha Khatib, Kara Nitti, Marc McDowell, et al. (Article)
Loop Drainage Is Noninferior to Traditional Incision and Drainage of Cutaneous Abscesses in the Emergency Department, Elissa M Schechter-Perkins, Kristin H Dwyer, Anish Amin, et al. (Article)
Acute Onset Neck Swelling in a Full Term Infant, Ashley Colberg Sabo and Jonathan M. Sherman (Article)
Take-home naloxone program implementation: lessons learned from seven Chicago-area hospitals, Vidya Eswaran, Katherine C Allen, Diana C Bottari, et al. (Article)
Mushroom toxicity, Huu H. Tran (Book Chapter)
Novel Use of Home Pulse Oximetry Monitoring in COVID-19 Patients Discharged From the Emergency Department Identifies Need for Hospitalization, Sonia Shah, Kaushal Majmudar, Amy Stein, et al. (Article)
Impact of endotracheal tube twisting on the diagnostic accuracy of ultrasound for intubation confirmation, Michael Gottlieb, Katharine Burns, Dallas Holladay, et al. (Article)
Ultrasound for airway management: An evidence-based review for the emergency clinician, Michael Gottlieb, Dallas Holladay, Katharine Burns, et al. (Article)
Protocolized use of Factor Eight Inhibitor Bypassing Activity (FEIBA) for the reversal of warfarin induced coagulopathy, Natalie N Htet, David Barounis, Catherine Knight, et al. (Article)
Topical tranexamic acid (TXA) for the management of a bleeding arteriovenous fistula, Maria Loren Eberle, Elissa M Schechter-Perkins, and Zaid Altawil (Article)
Works from 2019
The Implementation of a National Multifaceted Emergency Medicine Resident Wellness Curriculum Is Not Associated With Changes in Burnout, Kelly Williamson, Patrick M Lank, Nicholas Hartman, et al. (Article)
Geriatric emergency department: RN screening and intervention to improve care for older adults at 10 legacy Aurora sites, Aaron Malsch (Poster)
Emergency nurses' perception of geriatric readiness in the ED setting: A mixed-methods study, Lisa A Wolf, Altair M Delao, Aaron J. Malsch, et al. (Article)
A pilot study of improvised CPAP (iCPAP) via face mask for the treatment of adult respiratory distress in low-resource settings, Brendan H Milliner, Suzanne Bentley, and James DuCanto (Article)
Works from 2018
An approach to the older patient in the emergency department, Adam Perry, Jonny Macias Tejada, and Don Melady (Article)
Communication strategies for better care of older individuals in the emergency department, Teresita M Hogan and Aaron Malsch (Article)
Improving the emergency department care of older adults in North America, Michael L. Malone and Kevin Biese (Article)
Older adults in the emergency department with frailty, Olga Theou, Samuel Campbell, Michael L. Malone, et al. (Article)
Systems-based practice to improve care within and beyond the emergency department, Marsha A. Vollbrecht, Kevin Biese, Susan Nicole Hastings, et al. (Article)
Works from 2017
Apneic oxygenation during the apnea test for brain death, Jeffrey Stein, Marvi V. Rijhwani, and Ernesto Brauer (Poster)
Decreasing time to broad spectrum antibiotics for septic patients in the emergency department, Joseph J. Zieminski and Emily E. Bryant (Poster)
Works from 2016
Can Bedside Ultrasound Inferior Vena Cava Measurements Accurately Diagnose Congestive Heart Failure in the Emergency Department? A Clin-IQ, Miranda Gaskamp, Mark Blubaugh, Laine H. McCarthy, and Dewey C. Scheid (Topic Synopsis)
Medtronic CareLink Express device usage in midsize emergency department, Ubaid Naeem, Vikram Nangia, Renee Koeberl, et al. (Poster)
PO06-23: Medtronic carelink express device usage in midsize emergency department, Ubaid Naeem, Vikram Nangia, Renee Koeberl, et al. (Abstract)
Patient-centered care for chronic pain in the emergency department: A qualitative study, Jayalakshmi Jambunathan, Sharon Chappy, Jack John Siebers, et al. (Article)
Works from 2015
Mechanical ventilation and resuscitation under water: Exploring one of the last undiscovered environments - A pilot study, James DuCanto, Yannick Lungwitz, Andreas Koch, et al. (Article)
Helicopter-based in-water resuscitation with chest compressions: a pilot study, Bernd E Winkler, Frank Hartig, James DuCanto, et al. (Article)
Works from 2014
Business and continuity of operations: care of the critically ill and injured during pandemics and disasters: CHEST consensus statement, Pritish K Tosh, Henry Feldman, Michael D Christian, et al. (Article)
Engagement and education: care of the critically ill and injured during pandemics and disasters: CHEST consensus statement, Asha V Devereaux, Pritish K Tosh, John L Hick, et al. (Article)
Ethical considerations: care of the critically ill and injured during pandemics and disasters: CHEST consensus statement, Lee Daugherty Biddison, Kenneth A Berkowitz, Brooke Courtney, et al. (Article)
Introduction and executive summary: care of the critically ill and injured during pandemics and disasters: CHEST consensus statement, Michael D Christian, Asha V Devereaux, Jeffrey R. Dichter, et al. (Article)
Legal preparedness: care of the critically ill and injured during pandemics and disasters: CHEST consensus statement, Brooke Courtney, James G Hodge, Eric S Toner, et al. (Article)
Methodology: care of the critically ill and injured during pandemics and disasters: CHEST consensus statement, Joe Ornelas, Jeffrey R. Dichter, Asha V Devereaux, et al. (Article)
Resource-poor settings: infrastructure and capacity building: care of the critically ill and injured during pandemics and disasters: CHEST consensus statement, James Geiling, Frederick M Burkle, Dennis Amundson, et al. (Article)
Resource-poor settings: response, recovery, and research: care of the critically ill and injured during pandemics and disasters: CHEST consensus statement, James Geiling, Frederick M Burkle, T Eoin West, et al. (Article)
Special populations: care of the critically ill and injured during pandemics and disasters: CHEST consensus statement, David Dries, Mary Jane Reed, Niranjan Kissoon, et al. (Article)
Surge capacity logistics: care of the critically ill and injured during pandemics and disasters: CHEST consensus statement, Sharon Einav, John L Hick, Dan Hanfling, et al. (Article)
Surge capacity principles: care of the critically ill and injured during pandemics and disasters: CHEST consensus statement, John L Hick, Sharon Einav, Dan Hanfling, et al. (Article)
System-level planning, coordination, and communication: care of the critically ill and injured during pandemics and disasters: CHEST consensus statement, Jeffrey R. Dichter, Robert K Kanter, David Dries, et al. (Article)
Triage: care of the critically ill and injured during pandemics and disasters: CHEST consensus statement, Michael D Christian, Charles L Sprung, Mary A King, et al. (Article)
Works from 2013
Nonobstetrical emergencies in the obstetrical unit, Jackie Tillett (Article)
Works from 2012
Identifying false-positive ST-elevation myocardial infarction in emergency department patients, Tonga Nfor, Louie Kostopoulos, Hani Hashim, et al. (Article)
Works from 1996
Older patients sent home from the emergency department.:P265, Michael L. Malone and Ellen S. Danto-Nocton (Poster)