Bleeding Time


Advocate Illinois Masonic


Bleeding time is a clinical laboratory test performed to evaluate platelet function. It involves the creation of a standardized incision and timing the cessation of bleeding. The historical indications were the pre-operative assessment of patients taking aspirin or NSAIDs and screening for von-Willebrand disease. Unfortunately, it is insensitive and lacks reproducibility. Platelet function assay (i.e PFA 100) has largely replaced bleeding time. Despite standardization of methods, the sensitivity and specificity of the bleeding time for platelet-mediated coagulopathy is low.

Many hospitals and health systems have removed the test without any demonstrated harm. In most cases, a thorough history and physical is the only workup needed for the pre-operative assessment of bleeding risk. When the clinical effectiveness of platelet aggregation is desired, a modern platelet function assay can provide the necessary information. This is being increasingly utilized in intracranial hemorrhage on various antiplatelet agents prior to pooled platelet transfusion.

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Book Chapter

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StatPearls Publishing, Treasure Island (FL)

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