Works from 2025
Beta-blockers after myocardial infarction: Is it even needed?, Hemisha Sangani (Article)
Works from 2024
Evaluating treatment of acute migraine with zavegepant 10 mg nasal spray, Licia Lopez (Article)
Works from 2023
Fecal immunochemical testing compared with colonoscopy, Richard Guthmann, Robert Martin, and Ashtyn Dixon (Article)
Works from 2022
Is the pressure worth the pain? Why you should think twice about acetaminophen in hypertensive patients, Rhona Ke (Article)
Before the fall: Implementing a program to prevent falls in long-term care facilities, Megan Helms (Article)
Interactive digital health-based self-management program to reduce hospitalizations, Adam Korte (Article)
Is less always more? The effects of time-restricted eating on weight loss, Stephanie Meier (Article)
Want some noninvasiveness? Try CT over invasive coronary angiography for stable chest pain, Parth Shah (Article)
That's definitely a funny bone!: 2659, Jeremy Loescher and Sara Brown (Abstract)
Pediatric Visual Acuity Quality Improvement Project, Jeremy Loescher, Lauren Miller, Gina Schueneman, Elise Halajian, Sanjana Soni, Tatum Scarpato, and Philip Gutsell (Abstract)
Topical nitroglycerin for lower extremity tendinopathy, Jeremy Loescher, Paul Waclawski, and Richard Guthmann (Article)