Volume 9, Issue 1 (2022)
From the Editor
A Fond Farewell
Dennis J. Baumgardner
Original Research
Patient Satisfaction With Care Is Associated With Better Outcomes in Function and Pain 1 Year After Lumbar Spine Surgery
Björn Knutsson, Bakir Kadum, Ted Eneqvist, Sebastian Mukka, and Arkan S. Sayed-Noor
Differences in Health-Related Outcomes and Health Care Resource Utilization in Breast Cancer Survivors With and Without Type 2 Diabetes
Susan Storey, Zuoyi Zhang, Xiao Luo, Megan Metzger, Amrutha Ravali Jakka, Kun Huang, and Diane Von Ah
A Physical Therapy Mobility Checkup for Older Adults: Feasibility and Participant Preferences From a Discrete Choice Experiment
Dalerie Lieberz, Hannah Borgeson, Steven Dobson, Lindsey Ewings, Karen Johnson, Kori Klaysmat, Abby Schultz, Rachel Tasson, and Alexandra L. Borstad
Bridging the Patient Engagement Gap in Research and Quality Improvement Utilizing the Henry Ford Flexible Engagement Model
Heather A. Olden, Sara Santarossa, Dana Murphy, Christine C. Johnson, and Karen E. Kippen
Monitoring and Evaluation of Patient Engagement in Health Product Research and Development: Co-Creating a Framework for Community Advisory Boards
Sevgi E. Fruytier, Lidewij Eva Vat, Rob Camp, François Houÿez, Hilde De Keyser, Denise Dunne, Davide Marchi, Laura McKeaveney, Richard H. Pitt, Carina A.C.M. Pittens, Meagan F. Vaughn, Elena Zhuravleva, and Tjerk Jan Schuitmaker-Warnaar
Brief Reports
Prevalence of Mental Health Conditions Among 6078 Individuals With Down Syndrome in the United States
Anne Rivelli, Veronica Fitzpatrick, Sagar Chaudhari, Laura Chicoine, Gengjie Jia, Andrey Rzhetsky, and Brian Chicoine
Prevalence of Infectious Diseases Among 6078 Individuals With Down Syndrome in the United States
Veronica Fitzpatrick, Anne Rivelli, Sagar Chaudhari, Laura Chicoine, Gengjie Jia, Andrey Rzhetsky, and Brian Chicoine
Prevalence of Endocrine Disorders Among 6078 Individuals With Down Syndrome in the United States
Anne Rivelli, Veronica Fitzpatrick, Danielle Wales, Laura Chicoine, Gengjie Jia, Andrey Rzhetsky, and Brian Chicoine
Seroprevalence of COVID-19 IgG Antibody in Resident and Fellow Physicians in Milwaukee, Wisconsin: Analysis of a Cross-Sectional Survey
Dennis J. Baumgardner, Alexander Schwank, Jessica J. F. Kram, Wilhelm Lehmann, Jacob Bidwell, Tricia La Fratta, and Kenneth Copeland