Aurora Internal Medicine Residents | Aurora Residents and Fellows | Advocate Health - Midwest
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Works from 2016

D19: Resident Presentation Persistent Nausea with Weight Loss: A Rare Case of Birt-Hogg- Dubé Syndrome, Vidita Divan, Ariba Khan, Indervir Mundh, et al. (Abstract)

Distal dicrotic notch in the coronary artery. Is it a function of stenosis vs. stiffness? A computed tomography and angiography correlation study, Sharmeen Fatima Hussaini, Rafath Ullah, Mirza M. Ahmad, et al. (Abstract)

Works from 2015


Reducing Readmission Rates in Acute Pancreatitis Through Patient Education and Risk Assessment, Jordan T. Vulcano (Supplement)


Creating a Culture of Quality & Safety at Aurora Health Care, Loras Even, Lilia Sen, Indervir Mundh, et al. (Poster)

Works from 2014

Multiple Myeloma Vaccination Patterns from a Large Health System: An Example of Cancer Care Delivery Research (CCDR), Andinet Alemu, John Richards, Maharaj Singh, et al. (Abstract)