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Storto S. Pondering professional development: Mentorship is the answer. Professional Development podium presentation at Nursing Passion: Re-Igniting the Art & Science, Advocate Aurora Health Nursing & Research Conference 2022; November 9, 2022; virtual.
Presentation Notes
Professional Development podium presentation at Nursing Passion: Re-Igniting the Art & Science, Advocate Aurora Health Nursing & Research Conference 2022; November 9, 2022; virtual.
Background: Nursing shortage crisis identified by American Nurses Association (ANA), American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN), and U.S. Bureau of Labor (BOL). The BOL estimates that health care has lost nearly 500,000 workers since 2020. AACN (2021) found 66% of nurses have thought about quitting nursing entirely. It is recommended to provide additional resources, including retention incentives to retain skilled nurses to assist in slowing the shortage.
Purpose: The Clinical Nurse Mentor Program (CNMP) was developed to provide ongoing support beyond the initial transition to practice.
Method: The CNMP provides a personalized mentoring experience beginning at month six of practice. Following enrollment, mentees and mentors complete a profile in a web-based mentoring application. The advanced algorithms identify ideal matching based on competency, location, personality, and focus areas. Pairs complete microlearning modules, attend a virtual kick-off, and meet monthly. During the six-session model evolving over four phases: Prepare, Agree, Cultivate, Transition, the pair document milestones, mentoring time, focus areas, and goal progression. A virtual celebration event is planned. Pairs are encouraged to meet to foster long-lasting relationships and lifelong learning.
Results: The CNMP matched 193 pairs from various sites and settings and logged 759 hours with the highest hours in these focus areas: communication, professional development, collaboration, stress management. According to pairs, the CNMP developed trusting relationships, set obtainable goals, assisted with navigating first-year challenges. The CNMP retention rate is in the top-quartile and over 14% above the national average (IHI, 2021). The program fostered connection from all areas of nursing and across multiple diverse groups.
Conclusion: The CNMP is a strategic solution to assist with the critical need. A formal program supports best practices and accreditation requirements.
Future Implications: Expansion to experienced nurse entering the organization is needed. Additionally, development of mentees into future mentors promoting professional development.
Document Type
Oral/Podium Presentation