
Aurora Sinai Medical Center

Presentation Notes

Presented at: Building Bridges Southeastern Wisconsin Nursing Research Conference; April 19, 2024; Milwaukee, WI.


Background: Nurses are faced with the complex needs both of their patients and the hospital system itself. There are increased levels of stress within the nursing profession, packed emergency departments along with a larger focus on quality care (Kurtzman et al., 2022). An admission, discharge, transfer (ADT) nurse is a resource that has quality, cost, and nursing satisfaction implications (Perry, 2017).

Purpose: The purpose of the ADT nurse pilot was to implement an innovative nursing role to see its impact on the hospital staff, patients, and the hospital itself.

Methods: The ADT Nurse was implemented within an urban, mid-sized hospital that serves a diverse patient population. In a post pandemic world, this hospital has faced similar concerns around nursing staffing, nursing satisfaction and the demands of a complex patient environment. The targeted units were three medical/surgical units. Standardized training was given to a small pool of ADT nurses who also worked at the bedside. A pre and post survey was sent out to the nursing staff at large to understand the success of the role. Quality and throughput metrics were also tracked during this six-month pilot.

Results: When looking at the pre-post survey, the results from the staff were overwhelmingly positive. On a 1-5 scale, nurse rated the safety of admissions and having the resources needed at admission at a 3.06 and 3.09 respectively. After the pilot these scores increased to a 4.5 and 4.52 respectively. Nurses also rated their ability to discharge in a fast manner from a 3.05 pre-survey to a 4.42 post survey. Other metrics that improved include falls, safety errors, pressure injuries present on admission, throughput, patient experience and nursing retention.

Conclusion: The implementation of the ADT nurse has positively impacted the hospital environment and is recommended to be implemented within healthcare systems.

Document Type

Oral/Podium Presentation




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