A Tale of Two Appendages: Large Native Left Atrial Appendage Thrombus in a Cardiac Transplant Patient
Recommended Citation
Stives D, Ghafoor A, Harland D. A Tale of Two Appendages: Large Native Left Atrial Appendage Thrombus in a Cardiac Transplant Patient. J Patient Cent Res Rev. 2024;11:262-263. doi: 10.17294/2330-0698.2137
Presentation Notes
Case report or series poster presentation at Scientific Day; May 22, 2024; Milwaukee, WI. https://institutionalrepository.aah.org/sciday/2024/casereportvirtual/20/
Document Type
Oct 15th, 12:00 AM
A Tale of Two Appendages: Large Native Left Atrial Appendage Thrombus in a Cardiac Transplant Patient
Aurora Sinai/Aurora St. Luke's Medical Centers