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Works from 2024


Primary Gastric Squamous Cell Carcinoma Treated with CROSS Regimen, Josh Bahr, Rebecca Kirschner MD, and Wesley Papenfuss MD (Poster)

Works from 2023


Sclerosing Angiomatoid Nodular Transformation Appearing as Metastatic Disease in a Patient With Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type I, Rebecca C. Kirschner, Zane G. Staubach, and Wesley A. Papenfuss (Abstract)


Sclerosing Angiomatoid Nodular Transformation (SANT) Appearing as Metastatic Disease in a Patient With Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type I, Rebecca C. Kirschner, Zane G. Staubach, and Wesley A. Papenfuss (Poster)


Transhiatal Esophagectomy With Transcervical Endoscopic Esophageal Mobilization is a Minimally Invasive Technique for Esophagectomy With Favorable Oncologic and Perioperative Outcomes, Isaac R. Kriley, Noah Rozich, Rebecca Kirschner, James Adefisoye, Amanda Mueller, Elizabeth Colwell, Geoffrey Bellini, David Demos, William Tisol, and Wesley Papenfuss (Poster)

E372: Transhiatal esophagectomy with transcervical endoscopic esophageal mobilization is a minimally invasive approach with favorable oncologic and perioperative outcomes, Isaac R. Kriley, Noah Rozich, Rebecca Kirschner, et al. (Abstract)

E62: Analyzing the choosing wisely patient population: An NCDB study, Noah Rozich, Maharaj Singh, Nicole Zaremba, et al. (Abstract)