64. Alternative and herbal medicines


The use of alternative and herbal medications is prevalent in the United States and across the world. All medications have a therapeutic window or dose range which can treat disease and avoid drug toxicity. These medications are not subjected to same rigorous testing and standards; consequently their therapeutic window and side effect profile are not as well defined. Physicians should be cognizant of different types of supplements available in the market and their different biological active forms. Their use history should be part of every anesthesia preoperative history. Lack of substantial evidence against their risks and benefits not only make their effects unpredictable, but also poses a significant challenge for physicians. Careful evaluation and nature of the surgery and the interaction of these agents with anesthetics should govern their perioperative use.


Book Chapter

Book Chapter/Book Details

In: Abd-Elsayed A, Abd-Elsayed A, eds. Basic Anesthesia Review. Oxford University Press; 2024.

