"A hands on approach to catheter associated urinary tract infections" by Natalie Bell and Jessica Yates


Aurora St. Luke’s Medical Center

Presentation Notes

Quality Improvement poster presented at Nursing Passion: Re-Igniting the Art & Science, Advocate Aurora Health Nursing & Research Conference 2022; November 9, 2022; virtual.


Background: Catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTI) are the most prevalent hospital acquired condition across the United States. Evidence has highlighted effective CAUTI prevention strategies include reducing inappropriate short term catheter use, nurse driven timely removal of catheters, and catheter care during placement (American Nurses Association, n.d.).

Local problem: On a medical surgical unit with high volumes of post operative urology patients, the average utilization rate of urinary catheters is 1.27. And during quarter 2 2021 the CAUTI rates were 2.10.

Method: A unit specific quality improvement project to reduce CAUTIs was conducted utilizing an audit and re-education approach. To start all staff that provide catheter care were re-educated on the proper steps and techniques for catheter care in February 2021 through March 2021. A low fidelity competency training was completed. The topic of foley care and removal timeline was added as a requirement during outcome facilitated treatment team daily rounds. Follow up audits on foley catheter requirements and care occurred weekly.

Results/Conclusions: CAUTI rates decreased to zero from April 2021-April 2022, despite the unit having a high utilization.

Implications for practice: Continue to use and reinforce catheter cares twice daily. Perform weekly audits and include verbal conversation coaching during daily outcome facilitated treatment rounds to increase awareness and accountability for catheter necessity and care.

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