Prior Publications | Journal of Geriatric Emergency Medicine | Journals | Advocate Health - Midwest
*Disclaimer: the JGEM articles featured on this page were all published in 2020/early 2021 PRIOR to being established with the BePress platform. They went through a slightly less rigorous peer review process and are not counted towards JGEM's statistics. They are still available for viewing as the information is important and relevant.

April 2021: Volume 2

Are Geriatric Screening Tools Too Time Consuming for the Emergency Department? A Workflow Time Study
Natalie M. Elder, Kimberly S. Bambach, Megan E. Gregory, Peg Gulker, and Lauren T. Southerland
Association of a Geriatric Emergency Department Innovation Program With Cost Outcomes Among Medicare Beneficiaries
Ula Hwang and Kevin Biese
The Interface of Emergency and Palliative Care
Alexander Zirulnik, Anita Chary, Phraewa Thatphet, Thiti Wongtangman, Brian Gacioch, Kei Ouchi, Maura Kennedy and Shan W. Liu
Palliative Care in the Emergency Department: Simplified Symptomatic Management
Phillip D. Magidson, MD MPH, Danya Khoujah MBBS MEHP, Robert S. Anderson Jr., MD

December 2020: Volume 1

COVID-19 in Older Adults: An Update for Emergency Providers
Michael L Malone, MD, Teresita M Hogan, MD, FACEP, Adam Perry, MD, Kevin Biese, MD, Alice Bonner, PhD, RN, FAAN, Patti Pagel, RN, Kathleen T Unroe, MD, MHA, Maura Kennedy, MD

September 2020: Volume 1

Clinical Aspects of Providing a Meal for an Older Patient in the Emergency Department
Michael Malone, MD, Adam Perry, MD, Ann Gallo, Sandy Simonis
Care of Older Adults in Rural Emergency Departments During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Asma Sabih, MD, Adam Perry, MD, Rebecca Weeks, MN, RN, Michael L. Malone, MD

July 2020: Volume 1

Older Adults with COVID-19: Special Considerations for Refusal of Admission and Alternate Care Plans
Danya Khoujah MBBS, MEHP, Amy Driscoll DNP, RN, GCNS-BC, Melissa Jordan BSN, RN

May 2020: Volume 1

Managing Older Adults with Presumed COVID-19 in the Emergency Department: A Rational Approach to Rationing
Tony Rosen, MD MPH, Lauren E. Ferrante MD MHS, Shan W. Liu MD SD, Emily A. Benton MD, Mary R. Mulcare MD, Michael E. Stern M, Kevin Biese MD, Ula Hwang MD MPH, Martine Sanon MD
Launching an Emergency Department Telehealth Program During COVID-19: Real-World Implementations for Older Adults
Kelly J. Ko, PhD, Michael M Kurliand, MS, BSN, RN, Kevin M. Curtis, MD, MS, Christopher M Palmer, MD, Michelle S. Naimer, MD, MHSc, Scott W Rodi, MD, MPH, Zia Agha, MD, MS
Palliative Care Considerations for Older Adults in the Emergency Department During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Martine Sanon, MD, Ayla Pelleg, MD, Claire Ankuda, MD, and Emily Chai, MD

April 2020: Volume 1

COVID-19: Bringing Geriatric Emergency Care to the Frontlines
Judith E. Tintinalli, MD, MS and Adam Perry, MD
COVID-19 in Older Adults: Transfers Between Nursing Homes and Hospitals
Stacie Levine, MD, Alice Bonner PhD, RN, FAAN, Adam Perry, MD, Donald Melady, MSc Ed, MD, Kathleen T Unroe, MD, MHA
Preservation of Function in Older Adults who are in the Emergency Department During COVID-19
Suzanne Ryer, PT, MPT, GCS, CEEAA; Pamela Martin, RN, MSN, FNP-BC, APRN GS-C; Aaron J Malsch RN MSN GCNS-BC
Emergency Department Discharge of Older Adults with Viral Syndrome During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Danya Khoujah MBBS, Pamela Martin FNP-BC, APRN GS-C, Aaron Malsch MSN, RN, GCNS-BC

March 2020: Volume 1

Preventing and Managing Delirium in Older Emergency Department (ED) Patients During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Ula Hwang MD MPH, Aaron J Malsch RN MSN GCNS-BC, Kevin J Biese MD, Sharon K Inouye MD MPH
COVID-19 in Older Adults: Key Points for Emergency Department Providers
Michael L Malone, MD, Teresita M Hogan, MD, FACEP, Adam Perry, MD, Kevin Biese, MD, Alice Bonner, PhD, RN, FAAN, Patti Pagel, RN, Kathleen T Unroe, MD, MHA
Emergency Department Care of an Agitated Older Adult
Teresita M Hogan, MD, FACEP, Laura Celmins, Pharm.D., BCPS, BCCCP

February 2020: Volume 1

Emergency Department Care of an Older Patient with Sepsis
Michael L. Malone, MD, Adam Perry, MD, and Rebecca Weeks, MN, RN

January 2020: Volume 1

Influenza 2020: Diagnosis and Treatment of Older Adults with Possible Influenza in the Emergency Department
Michael L. Malone, MD, Adam Perry, MD, and Rebecca Weeks, MSN, RN