Volume 3, Issue 3 (2022) Fall 2022
Research to Accelerate Practice Change in Geriatric Emergency Medicine
Susan Hastings (Collective Wisdom: Editorial)
The Effect of the Care Transitions Intervention on ED Revisits and Outpatient Clinic Follow-Up among Older Adults Who Live Alone
Clara V. Kuranz, Rebecca K. Green, Angela Gifford, Gwen C. Jacobsohn, Thomas V. Caprio, Amy L. Cochran, Jeremy T. Cushman, Courtney M.C. Jones, Amy J. H. Kind, Michael Lohmeier, and Manish N. Shah (Original Research)
Emergency medicine provider comfort with Physician Orders for Life Sustaining Treatment (POLST) advanced directive
Katherine Briggie, Kaitlin Sweeney, Shannon Findlay, Hao Wang, Juan Pagan-Ferrer, Dan Miller, and Sangil Lee (Original Research)
Key Healthcare Providers’ Perspectives on the Implementation of Senior-Friendly Emergency Department Care in Quebec
Deniz Cetin-Sahin, Francine Ducharme, Jane McCusker, Mona Magalhaes, Nathalie Veillette, Paul-André Lachance, Sylvie Cossette, Alain Vadeboncoeur, Rick Mah, T.T. Minh Vu, and Simon Berthelot (Original Research)
Effect of Pharmacist Intervention on Emergency Department Geriatric Patients with Polypharmacy
Rachael Sheehan, Ashley Stajkowski, Lee Hraby, Melanie Mommaerts, Tyler Nichols, Marisa Nichols, Alex Beuning, and Victor Warne (Original Research)
Pre-hospital conditions affecting the hospitalization risk in older adults at the Emergency Department
Karin Erwander, Kjell Ivarsson, Mona Landin-Olsson, and Björn Agvall (Original Research)
The Geriatric Emergency Department at the University of California San Francisco: Structures, Roles, and Lessons Learned
Todd James (Collective Wisdom: Editorial)