Journal of Geriatric Emergency Medicine | Vol 3 | Iss 2

Volume 3, Issue 2 (2022) Summer 2022


CPR-Directive Conversations in the Emergency Department: The Opinion of Elderly Patients
Kelvin H. Kramp Dr., Rutger de Hond, Mirwais Mehrab, Martijn Van Hooft, and Roger A.P.A. Hessels (Original Research)


Strategies to Combat Ageism in Emergency Medicine
Anita N. Chary, Lauren Cameron Comasco, Anita Rohra, and Shan Lliu (Topic Supplement)


Emergency Department Policies to Improve Care Experiences for Older Adults during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Anita Chary; Shan Lliu; Lauren Southerland; Lauren Cameron Comasco; Kei Ouchi; Christopher R. Carpenter MD, MSc; Edward W Boyer; Aanand D. Naik; and Maura Kennedy (Topic Supplement)


Navigating Care Transitions for Older Adults in the Emergency Department When a Social Worker is Unavailable
Rebecca Weeks, Kathy Sawasky, Adam Perry, and Michael Malone (Topic Supplement)