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Works from 2023


How do clinical nurses implement ‘What Matters to You’ for hospitalized older adults?, Bryn Adams, Katherine Davey, Jennifer Giron, Anna Laurae Kruse, Jennifer Sanders, Jeri Smith, Linda Smith, Murad Taani, Bayan Alqam, Mary Hook, and Vida Vizgirda (Poster)


Implementation of an emergency department communication tool to assist in the prevention of acute care readmissions, Matthew Shall, Christopher Griggs, Ronella Eaddy, Denise Comeaux, Wes Hofferbert, Sushma Racharla, George Ross, Zachary Lutwick, and Kimberly Price (Poster)


Implementation of a pediatric intensive care unit diary, Linda Esposito (Poster)


Implementing clinical event debriefing to improve patient care, Colleen Butler (Oral/Podium Presentation)


Improving the management of obstetric hemorrhage with the use of quantified blood loss, Anniece Fisher, Adrienne Arnold, Nikiyia Lozada, Jasmine Carter, Barbara West, Karen Beagles, and Mary Ann Neumann (Oral/Podium Presentation)


Improving the patient experience through bedside shift report - A quality improvement project, Jocelyn Azanon and Carolyn Brumm (Oral/Podium Presentation)


Increasing mobility to increase discharges, Karen Uribe, Gina Castillo, and Vanessa Narag Lichner (Poster)


Keep calm and labor on! Use of aromatherapy in labor and delivery, Erica Biancalana and Tricia Green (Poster)


Keep calm and screen for sepsis, Nicole Hamilton (Poster)


Living up to the challenge: Preventing unplanned extubations in the NICU, Yorleni Ambrosio, Julie Lombardo, and Christina Bourque (Oral/Podium Presentation)


Malignant hyperthermia simulation and competency, Nicholas Nowak and Anna Auger (Oral/Podium Presentation)


Modification of a Children’s Hospital Early Warning Score (CHEWS) algorithm, Kelly Perez, Jessica Panice, Kelly Pujo, and Emily Dawson (Poster)


More than numbers – Let’s talk about mixed methods research, Deborah Gentile (Poster)


MOVE IT or lose it: Competing to improve hospitalized patient mobility, Julie Bialas and Mary McManus (Poster)


“Music is considered my skin-to-skin with her”: Music therapy with parents and their extremely preterm infants in the NICU, Elisabeth Bombell (Oral/Podium Presentation)


Nurse driven intervention to improve acute kidney injury (AKI), Theresa Briggs (Poster)


One and done - A process for improving CHG bathing compliance, Michelle R. Johnson (Poster)


Optimizing sitter use: Enhancing safety and cutting costs, Lauren Gentry, Susan Perusich, Kristie Geil, and Rachelle Lancaster (Poster)


Patient experience best practices: An exemplar of advanced practice registered nurse EBP mentor team led inquiry, Jodie Pufundt, Kelly Perez, and Megan Morgan (Poster)


Perfecting the poke, Alyssa Krueger and Morgan Brill (Oral/Podium Presentation)


Promoting vaginal birth - A collaborative approach, Olga Lazala and Paulina Ibarra (Poster)


Promoting vaginal birth in the nulliparous term singleton vertex (NTSV) patient, Tina Davis-Larkin, Kim Kocur, Valerie Swiatkowski, Ellen McNicholas, Emily Welps, Laura Sylvester, Lindsay Brauneis, Maria Cava, and Emily Wetherell (Poster)


Putting the kibosh on bugs: Nurses lead reduction in blood culture contamination rates, Echo Ashley (Oral/Podium Presentation)


Ready, set, go! Implementing an electronic handoff tool to decrease emergency department length of stay, Jennifer Peterburs (Oral/Podium Presentation)


Reducing team member injuries through culture change, Monika Bogun-Dzioban (Poster)


Reduction of hospital-acquired pressure injuries on a progressive care unit, Kathryn Beres (Oral/Podium Presentation)


Safe patient handling: The key to teammate safety, Sue Harvey and Sherise Lopez (Poster)


Screening colonoscopy: Your gut will thank you for it, Ashley Lemmon, Tanisha Davis, and Maria Patricia Morales (Poster)


Shared governance 101: What you need to succeed!, Deanna Shaver and Olivia Due (Poster)


Shared governance led pilot to implement a multidisciplinary case review process, Amanda Smith, Katalin Stanaszak, and Venus Grice (Poster)


Simulation increases team members' skills in a new healthcare environment from a nursing educator viewpoint, Rosie Bernard, Grace Walls, Cynthia Malone, Kimberly Galera, Karen Beagles, Linda Ameyaw, Gwenn Cockle, and Vada Wiley (Poster)


Site-wide HAPI reduction strategies, Stephannie Oppermann and Jessica Yates (Poster)


Stay home: Nurses spur decline in emergency visit returns, Deanna Strebig, Amber Koplitz, and Heather Ludy (Poster)


Strength in numbers: Achieving nurse certifications for large groups using a three-pronged approach, Kristen Livermore (Poster)


Take the lead or fall: Nurse-led fall prevention improves patient outcomes, Stephanie Marx and Heather Ludy (Oral/Podium Presentation)


Tele-critical care nurse initiative drives central line stewardship to improve quality of care, Noelle M. Hartley and Lynn Thompson (Oral/Podium Presentation)


The beat goes on: Resuscitate your ECG program, Tammy Lis, Frances Majca, and Patti Stockhausen (Poster)


The evolution and sustainment of an internal agency to further reduce costs, Desiree Bellon and Kari Mleziva (Poster)


The family support person role during resuscitation: A qualitative exploration, Kelly Powers, Jaclyn Duncan, and K Renee Twibell (Poster)


Think stroke before you choke: Increasing dysphagia screening compliance in the emergency department, Katie Cruz, Bryna Shefferly, Amy L. Kuehni, Ryan Vander Schaaf, Danielle Manske, Lea Jopke, Holly Burkette, Tanya Erke, and Stephanie Petrucci (Poster)


Type II violence during the COVID-19 pandemic: Nurses' experiences and implications for practice, Cindy Andersen (Poster)


Use of rapid medical evaluation in the emergency department setting, Cassie Kohl, Meaghan Gallagher, Tricia Urbanik, and Ashley Vilona (Poster)


Using nursing judgement to reduce postpartum fall rates in patients recovering from epidural analgesia, Bryn Adams, Katherine Martinez, Elise Poelking, and Yvonne Renick (Poster)


Using simulation to enhance staff skills in massive transfusion, Jennifer Peterburs and Tara Anderson (Poster)


Utilizing simulation to increase confidence in onboarding care managers & social workers, Tara Nixon, Elena Ochakovski, Jenn Mepham, and Kari Congenie (Oral/Podium Presentation)


Waking up to safety: Napping as a fatigue countermeasure, Anndria Cluster, Kathryn Matthies, and Bonnie Schleder (Poster)


What’s your Q? Empowering nurses to answer clinical questions through the evidence-based practice process, Jodie Pufundt (Poster)


What the butt? Pressure injury reduction in intensive care, Noor Bontz, Michelle Emick, Matthew Lemke, Laura Reindl, and Kristan Jesel (Poster)


Abstract 13988: Post stress test high-sensitivity cardiac troponin I in the evaluation of patients with acute chest pain for enhanced ischemic risk assessment: A pilot study, Viviana Zlochiver, Sara Walczak, James Adefisoye, et al. (Abstract)


Abstract 14514: Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy - genotype distribution and genotype-phenotype correlations - a unique perspective from a single center study, Muddasir Ashraf, M Fuad Jan, Arshad Jahangir, et al. (Abstract)


Building research infrastructure and multisite studies in merged health care settings: A framework for nurse scientists and health care leaders, Rachelle J. Lancaster, Deborah L. Gentile, Jeanne L. Hlebichuk, et al. (Article)


Adverse outcomes in non-trial like patients on commercial HeartMate 3 LVAD support, Laura Coyle, Colleen Gallagher, Nicole Graney, et al. (Article)


Appearances can be deceiving - A challenging case of pulmonary hypertension, Faizan Rahim, Sheraz Hussain, Christopher Sciamanna, et al. (Poster)


Lessons learned from the creation of an internal agency: A strategy for nursing recruitment and retention, Desiree Bellon (Article)


Myocardial work in apical hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, Matthew Peters, M Fuad Jan, Muddasir Ashraf, et al. (Article)


Rejuvenating meaningful recognition through shared governance, Christopher Wojnar (Article)


The intersection of nurses with substance use disorder and peer support, Brooke Scholler, Kristin Waite-Labott, and Misty DeMark (Article)


Creation of a critical care NP onboarding program, Katie Stephens, Melissa Carlucci, Anna Duchnowska, et al. (Article)


Trauma skill stations to improve ED staff confidence and engagement, Amanda Sery (Abstract)


Exploring the feasibility of intrapartum GBS collection to identify residual GBS in a pilot study of an antenatal probiotic intervention, Emily Malloy, Lisa Hanson, Leona VandeVusse, et al. (Article)


Exploration of system chief nurse executive's leadership practices to support, mentor, develop, and retain nurse leaders, Giancarlo Lyle-Edrosolo, Marlon Garzo Saria, and K David Bailey (Article)


Hackathons: Practical problem-solving for nurse educators, Veronica Bigott, Lillian Jensen, and Stephanie Zidek (Article)


Implementing a fall prevention initiative in nurse-facilitated annual wellness visits: a quality improvement project, Sharon Quinlan and Suzanne Ryer (Article)


Neurodevelopmental outcomes in school-age children and adolescents with congenital heart disease, Aran Park Lim (Article)


The impact of DNP scholarly projects on healthcare organizations: A road map for success, Jeanne Hlebichuk, Rachelle J. Lancaster, and Vida Vizgirda (Article)


PEDS9: Bleeding in pediatric patients on extracorporeal membrane oxygenation-use of procoagulant factors, Kristen Nelson McMillan, Emily Pena, Sarah Kane, et al. (Abstract)

Human trafficking: The other global pandemic, Dawn Moeller (Oral/Podium Presentation)


External Validation of Toronto and Mayo Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Predictive Models for Pathogenic Mutation, Muddasir Ashraf, M. Fuad Jan, Arshad Jahangir, Stacie Kroboth, Viviana Zlochiver, Heather Sanders, and Abdul Jamil Tajik (Poster)


Inequitable Impacts of Climate Change on Our Patients: Getting Climate Smart, Anne Getzin, Deborah Simpson, Kristin Ouweneel, Brenda Fay, Carissa Blumenshine, Anita Pena, Victoria Gillet, Lillian Jensen, Dawn Shelton-Williams, Monica Nakielski, Nicole Heilman, Angie Knutson, Robert W. Marrs, Katie Wickman, and Get Climate Smart Joint Accreditation Planning Committee (Poster)

Interim analysis of a pilot randomized controlled trial of hospital waterbirth, Emily Malloy, Jessica J F Kram, James Adefisoye, et al. (Oral/Podium Presentation)

Knowing the Patient: Understanding Readmission Reasons in Complex Heart Failure, Sara Marzinski, Diane Melrose, Jeanne Hlebichuk, Yunqi Liao, and Mary Hook (Poster)


MEDSTOPPER: An Online Tool to Assist With Deprescribing Medications in Patients Enrolled in Home Hospice, Paige Scholer, Kavita Sharma, Kanwardeep Singh, Lori Cook, Jenny Kaldor, Tamara Schulz, and Sarah Riutta (Poster)


Nurse-Led Research on the Impact of Operating Room Traffic, Kimberly Mitchell, Peggy Kuehl, Mark Crucero, Stephanie Gore, Daniel Kufahl, Nathaniel Silgen, Tanja Ramich, Jessica Caamoan, Kaitlynn Houghton, Yunqi Liao, and Mary Hook (Poster)


The Use of Topically Applied Sweet Marjoram Essential Oil for Pain Reduction Following IUD Placement, Vicki F. Fresen, Jennifer K. Homa-Bonell, and Taylor A. Romdenne (Poster)


Transhiatal Esophagectomy With Transcervical Endoscopic Esophageal Mobilization is a Minimally Invasive Technique for Esophagectomy With Favorable Oncologic and Perioperative Outcomes, Isaac R. Kriley, Noah Rozich, Rebecca Kirschner, James Adefisoye, Amanda Mueller, Elizabeth Colwell, Geoffrey Bellini, David Demos, William Tisol, and Wesley Papenfuss (Poster)


Survival into the seventh decade of life following mustard repair, Matthew Peters, Steven Port, Heather Sanders, et al. (Article)


Human trafficking: The other global pandemic, Dawn Moeller (Oral/Podium Presentation)


Resolving the great resignation in the nursing workforce, Dawn Moeller (Oral/Podium Presentation)


Short-term complications of relative femoral neck lengthening combined with extra-articular osteotomies of the proximal femur, Prasad V. Gourineni, Durga Prasad Valleri, Prakash Chauhan, et al. (Article)


Rest and remember: Falls R preventable, Joy Mason and Halyna Matiyash (Poster)


Never too old: A nonagenarian with apical hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, Muddasir Ashraf, M. Fuad Jan, Arshad Jahangir, et al. (Article)


(180) Multicenter analysis of outcomes in non-trial versus trial-like patients with commercial heartmate 3 LVAD, Laura Coyle, Colleen Gallagher, Nicole Graney, et al. (Abstract)


(840) Comparison of heart failure therapy implementation in patients with and without temporary right ventricular assist device following HeartMate 3 LVAD implantation: A 6-month post-implant comparison, Ryan Wolsky, Laura Coyle, Colleen Gallagher, et al. (Abstract)


A case for a novel use of donor-derived cell-free DNA in heart transplantation: Detecting AT1R antibody-associated injury, Vivian N. Chukwuma, Cheryl Nguyen, Ivy Balanlayos, et al. (Abstract)


Breast implant surgery: An overview of the risks and health complications, Jessica Prothe, Paul Rozovics, Robyn Sykes, et al. (Article)


Inequitable Impacts of Climate Change on Our Patients | Getting Climate Smart, Anne Getzin, Deborah Simpson, Kristin Ouweneel, et al. (Poster)

E372: Transhiatal esophagectomy with transcervical endoscopic esophageal mobilization is a minimally invasive approach with favorable oncologic and perioperative outcomes, Isaac R. Kriley, Noah Rozich, Rebecca Kirschner, et al. (Abstract)


Support before failure - biventricular ventricular assist devices for Ebstein’s anomaly, Jason Wen, Robin E. Paliga, and William G. Cotts (Abstract)


Clinical nurse manager succession program: Evolving the talent from within, Rubie Rose Costales (Article)


Sexual wellness program for biologically female patients affected by cancer: O8, Maja Luke (Abstract)


Striving to improve hypertension inequities - Finding joy in the process, Chiamaka Ogemdi Isiguzo, Victoria Gillet, Latanya Cherry, et al. (Poster)


Utilization of a prenatal palliative care consultation pathway for congenital heart disease, Meggan Mikal, Rupali Gandhi, and Susan M. Walsh (Article)


An unfolding tabletop simulation training exercise on disaster planning for nursing students, Clare Johnson, Donna Marie Badowski, and Raegan Quandt (Article)


Self-compassion and resilience in a national sample of nursing students amid the COVID-19 pandemic, Rachelle Lancaster, Heather Englund, Morgan Anibas, et al. (Article)

Works from 2022


Movin past obstacles: Implementing a nurse-led mobility intervention during a pandemic, Mary Hook, Sarah Glowinski, Linsey Steege, et al. (Poster)


Advocating, implementing, and supporting the journey to full-practice authority in a large healthcare system, Brenda Madura, Cynthia L. Zaletel, and Rachelle J. Lancaster (Article)


Original research: TikTok's 'dancing nurses' during the COVID-19 pandemic: A content analysis, Rachelle Lancaster, Michelle Sanchez, Kelly Maxwell, et al. (Article)


A hands on approach to catheter associated urinary tract infections, Natalie Bell and Jessica Yates (Poster)


An evidence-based practice nurse mentor program to develop competence, Jodie Pufundt (Poster)


A roadmap to transforming nursing culture, Kristin Rothbart and Sheryl-Lyn Quijano (Poster)